.. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position .. _Add Linux Client: Add Linux Client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Introduction - Requirements .. --------------------------- To be able to manage remotely a client PC, we must first setup ssh access. Before proceeding, we make sure the following requirements are met: * **Ubuntu** or **Debian** Linux distributions are installed on the clients. It is recommended that server runs the same distribution (e.g. Ubuntu), and the same version or higher as the clients do (e.g. 12.04, lucid). [c12]_ The procedure of Adding a new Client PC has 2 steps: #. :ref:`Configure ssh server - Linux` #. :ref:`LServerAdmin - Add Linux Client` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: lanaddlinux/lanaddlinuxssh lanlsaaddlinux .. lanaddlinux/lanaddlinuxintro