Multiple User Add [SE1]_ ======================== .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_start.png .. |image2| replace:: image 2 .. _image2: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_info.png .. |image3| replace:: image 3 .. _image3: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_menu.png A very powerfull feature of LServerAdmin Application is easily adding multiple users to a category [SE1]_. Suppose we are in a lab with 15 persons, each one sitting on a client PC, logged in as a local user [c4]_. We are sitting in front of the server running LServerAdmin Application. We will allow all 15 persons to add themselves as users in LServerAdmin, using the Registration Feature of LServerAdmin. We do the following: * From main menu we select :menuselection:`Users` and then the category we want (e.g Business Users [BE]_, Students / A Class [SE]_, etc ). * We select :menuselection:`Add Multiple Users --> Start Register Mode` (|image1|_). * After starting register mode a dialog shows up with the details the users need to be allowed to add themselves as users (|image2|_). We give them this information and they are ready to register. Users do the following: * Each person should start a browser, then go to url http://loginserver and login with the given username and password (e.g. username: register1 and password 014718) * After logging in with the information above, the Add User dialog will be shown to each one, so that he can fill user details (**Last Name, First Name, Username** and **Password**). During the process: * As the persons gradually register themselves, we can see which users have completed the registration process. In the Register Mode menu we select :menuselection:`Information` (|image2|_). We can even edit or delete users that were just created by selecting :menuselection:`Edit Users` or :menuselection:`Delete Users` correspondingly (|image3|_). * When all users have finished registering themselves we select **Finish** to exit from Registration Mode. .. note:: More than one Registration Modes can be started at the same time and allow users to be added on the same or on different groups. For example **teacher A** is in **lab 1** and wants to add 15 users in **class A**. At the same time, **teacher B** is in **lab 2** and wants to add 12 users to **class B**. Each teacher starts LServerAdmin Application, selects the user group he wants and starts **Registration Mode**. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_start.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Users - Start Register Mode :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_start.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_info.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Users - Registration Info :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_info.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_menu.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Users - Registration Menu :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-register_menu.png * - image 1 - Start Registration - image 2 - Registration Info - image 3 - Registration Menu .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position